Tours / AREZZO: walking tour with visit to the precious frescoes by Piero della Francesca

Arezzo, this city located between Florence and Rome, is famous for being the birthplace of Giorgio Vasari, Michelangelo's most versatile pupil and the architect of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and of the famous Vasari Corridor, which takes its name from Vasari. his name.

What can we see in Arezzo in a two-hour walk? We will certainly visit the very important Piazza Grande, with its Renaissance loggias and ancient shops, built to a design by the famous sixteenth-century architect Giorgio Vasari. It is actually the municipal square and has already existed since the Middle Ages, but the current layout dates back to when Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, commissioned his friend and trusted architect Giorgio Vasari to rebuild the square in a more modern layout , more "Medici".
Obviously we will not miss the Piazza del Duomo, a medieval building which still today houses a very important work by Piero della Francesca: the Mary Magdalene.

We will enter the heart of the medieval streets and alleys, where the goldsmith shops are still active, which have made this city famous throughout the world for the gold artefacts of its master goldsmiths.

Piero della Francesca's pictorial cycle awaits us instead in the Basilica of San Francesco, in the Bacci Chapel. An enchanting example of Renaissance painting, these precious frescoes were painted by the master of perspective Piero della Francesca in the mid-fifteenth century and tell the legend of the True Cross of Jesus according to the instructions of the Dominican friar Jacopo da Voragine. Piero della Francesca is a local painter, he was in fact born in the countryside of Arezzo, in the Tiber Valley, precisely in Borgo San Sepolcro.
At the end of this spectacular tour our guide will give you directions on where to find the best "Scottiglia", the typical Arezzo dish par excellence based on mixed meat.

And if gastronomy is also art, we must absolutely pay homage to Scottiglia, as well as to the famous Arezzo dessert, the "Gatò di Arezzo", soft sponge cake filled with cream, chocolate, raspberry compote or other delicious fruits.


Available days: Check the available dates on the Calendar!

Bookable Starting Time: From 8:00 am to 4:00pm

Duration: 2 hours

Available Languages:

English, Italian, French, Spanish, German

Adult rate: The rate of the tour depends on the number of people. CALCULATE YOUR OWN RATE!

Child rate: From 6 years to 17 years with ID. Please insert number of people!

Meeting Point: Piazza Grande n. 15, at Vasari Cafè